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Episode 55 - Integrating With External APIs With Alexey Golub

In this episode of the .NET Core podcast we talked with Alexey Golub about how he worked with the undocumented YouTube API to create YouTube Explode, and some of his tips for integrating with undocumented APIs.

Producer/consumer pipelines with System.Threading.Channels

Last week, I came across the following question: “Is there an async producer/consumer collection these days in .NET?”

F# 5 update for August | .NET Blog

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Should you unit-test API/MVC controllers in ASP.NET Core?

In this post I discuss unit testing of API/MVC controllers in ASP.NET Core and some of the difficulties you face.

Evaluating “ReadLine using System.IO.Pipelines” Performance in C#

Read string line by line using System.IO.Pipelines API in C#

F# for Fun and Profit · GitBook (Legacy)

fsharpforfunandprofit: Static and ebook version of

Phillip Carter

Phillip Carter Phillip Carter ... I forked my wife's excellent site to make this one

Bring the best of the Web to your .NET desktop applications with WebView2 | .NET Blog

This blog post was written together with Palak Goel, Program Manager on Edge Product Development team. Last year at Build, we introduced WebView2, a browser control that renders web content (HTML / CSS / JavaScript) with the new Chromium-based Microsoft Edge.

Secrets of a .NET Professional

Working as a .NET Professional is a tumultuous rollercoaster ride of emotional highs and crushing lows. It’s likely the same for other communities, with different flavors of success and failures. I have over a decade of .NET development work, and I am here to share some general mantras that have served me well. I hate to call it adivce because all advice is context-specific. Readers should take any general counsel with a healthy dose of skepticism and critical thinking. That said, I hope folks reading this will find value through the prism of my experiences.

C# Switch Statement vs Expression Explained

Use of value pattern and type pattern described for both switch statement and expression (Introduced in C# 8)

ReSharper 2020.2: Improved Code Analysis for C# 8, Code Cleanup on Save, and Revamped Unit Test Runner – .NET Tools Blog | JetBrains

Hello everyone, Today we’re excited to give you ReSharper 2020.2! This major release introduces new inspections and quick-fixes for C# 8, most notably for nullable reference types, a much-awaited Code

Rider 2020.2: Localization Manager, Debugger Updates, and Major Updates to Unity Support – .NET Tools Blog | JetBrains

Rider 2020.2 is now available! To mark this great news we’ve put together a full list of the new features and under the hood improvements that are in store for you. Let’s dive in! Download Rider 2020

Best way to create an empty collection (array and list) in C# (.NET) | tabs ↹ over ␣ ␣ ␣ spaces by Jiří {x2} Činčura

Best way to create an empty collection (array and list) in C# (.NET) | tabs ↹ over ␣ ␣ ␣ spaces by Jiří {x2} Činčura Archive About tabs ↹ over ␣ ␣ ␣ spaces by Jiří {x2} Činčura Best way to create an empty collection (array and list) in C# (.NET) 4 Aug 2020 4 m

Debugging Unity Players over network and USB with Rider 2020.2 – .NET Tools Blog | JetBrains

Rider 2020.2 is a bumper release for Unity. We’ve already seen how “pausepoints” can help you debug your code, by switching the Unity editor into pause mode when your code hits a certain point. Let’s

Evolution of Pattern Matching up until C# 8.0

C# pattern matching finally brings another functional feature that will help C# developers write functional code more naturally.


SharpShell makes it easy to create Windows Shell Extensions using the .NET Framework. - dwmkerr/sharpshell

How C# Records will change my life

The new record type will be a huge timesaver when working with immutable objects in C#.

Tales from the Evil Empire - LunrCore, a lightweight search library for .NET

I'm pretty much convinced almost all applications need search. No matter what you're building, you'll likely handle data, and no matter how well you organize it, a good text search is often the …

Using gRPC in Aurelia 2

How to use web gRPC in an Aurelia 2 SPA. Using a .NET 5 back end hosting a gRPC service. Showing compilation of protobuf files, front end build quirks and other oddities.

How to set up Microsoft Orleans’ Reporting Dashboard

Orleans is an easy to use actor framework, but how can you monitor your deployment? Luckily, there’s something simple to use — Orleans…

How To Access SQL Generated By Entity Framework Core 3

[DISPLAY_ULTIMATE_SOCIAL_ICONS] Entity Framework Core (EF) converts expressions into SQL at runtime. In earlier versions, it was straight forward to get the SQL. In Entity Framework Core 3, you must access the SQL using ILogger. This article explains how to access the SQL generated and gives some example code to access the output of queries made behind the scenes. This article works with Entity Framework Core 3. Note: Microsoft is about to release Entity Framework Core 5 soon. This version will have an easier method to get at the SQL. This is the interface method. Many developers may feel uncomfortable if they do not know what SQL EF executes behind the scenes. There's a good reason for this! Expressions may not map on to SQL very easily. You may end up executing SQL that doesn't take advantage of indexes, or the expression may end up filtering records after the data was selected from the database. In older versions of EF you could use ToTraceString()but this no longer exists in EF Core 6. There may even be other reasons to access the SQL. Perhaps your want to convert EF expressions to SQL. This is all possible in EF Core. Grab the full sample here. The Basics The key to making entity framework log SQL queries is to provide it with a logging factory: optionsBuilder.UseLoggerFactory(_loggerFactory); And, the factory must have a filter like so: var loggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(builder => { builder .AddFilter((category, level) => category == DbLoggerCategory.Database.Command.Name && level == LogLevel.Information); }); That's it. If you add console logging, SQL will be logged to the console when the SQL executes. var loggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(builder => { builder .AddConsole((options) => { }) .AddFilter((category, level) => category == DbLoggerCategory.Database.Command.Name && level == LogLevel.Information); }); This is an example query: using (var ordersDbContext = new OrdersDbContext(loggerFactory)) { var orderLines = ordersDbContext.OrderLines.Where(o => o.Id == Guid.Empty).ToList(); orderLines = ordersDbContext.OrderLines.ToList(); } This is the console output: info: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Database.Command[20101]Executed DbCommand (3ms) [Parameters=[], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND rootpage IS NOT NULL;info: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Database.Command[20101]Executed DbCommand (0ms) [Parameters=[], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']SELECT o.Id, o.Count, o.ItemFROM OrderLines AS oWHERE o.Id = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'info: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Database.Command[20101]Executed DbCommand (0ms) [Parameters=[], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']SELECT o.Id, o.Count, o.ItemFROM OrderLines AS o Incidentally, it looks as though the where clause is not parameterized. Is this a security hole in Entity Framework Core for SQLite? Here is some further documentation on this approach. Getting More Detail You may need more detail. Or, you may want to use EF to generate SQL for some reason. You can achieve that with this code. This is an implementation of ILogger that will allow you to hook into an action when SQL runs. public class EntityFrameworkSqlLogger : ILogger { #region Fields Action<EntityFrameworkSqlLogMessage> _logMessage; #endregion #region Constructor public EntityFrameworkSqlLogger(Action<EntityFrameworkSqlLogMessage> logMessage) { _logMessage = logMessage; } #endregion #region Implementation public IDisposable BeginScope<TState>(TState state) { return default; } public bool IsEnabled(LogLevel logLevel) { return true; } public void Log<TState>(LogLevel logLevel, EventId eventId, TState state, Exception exception, Func<TState, Exception, string> formatter) { if (eventId.Id != 20101) { //Filter messages that aren't relevant. //There may be other types of messages that are relevant for other database platforms... return; } if (state is IReadOnlyList<KeyValuePair<string, object>> keyValuePairList) { var entityFrameworkSqlLogMessage = new EntityFrameworkSqlLogMessage ( eventId, (string)keyValuePairList.FirstOrDefault(k => k.Key == commandText).Value, ...

C# events as asynchronous streams with ReactiveX or Channels

As I am getting myself up to date with the modern C# language features, I'd like to share what feels...

Modernising .NET projects for .NET Core and beyond!

In this article I'll describe how to modernise your .NET Framework projects for .NET Core, the .NET Standard and .NET 5, which is planned to be released this year.

Blazor Vs. Traditional Web Apps

[DISPLAY_ULTIMATE_SOCIAL_ICONS] Blazor is a new Single Page Application (SPA) technology by Microsoft. It is a comparable technology to React, Angular, and Vue.js but uses C# instead of JavaScript. It brings C# to the world of SPAs and challenges traditional web apps frameworks such as ASP .NET Web Forms and ASP .NET Core MVC for building web apps. This article discusses the choice between SPAs and traditional web apps and explains the difference between server-side and client-side rendering.  What are Traditional Web Apps? Traditional web apps are apps that have little or no client-side processing. HTML is rendered server-side and passed to the browser. They mostly center around static text and filling out forms, and most interactions require a full page refresh. Browsers send data to the server via HTML forms, and the server handles the processing. Technologies like ASP (including all flavors such as classic, and MVC) and  PHP facilitate the transfer of data between the client and server and handle server-side processing. They mix server-side and client-side logic by allowing developers to declare the client-side UI with HTML alongside code that runs on the server. Forms can be developed quickly with no separation between APIs and front-end code. Traditional web app workflow typically presents the user with a form, a submit button, and a full-page response is received from the server after they click the button. The result is usually a disjointed and unsatisfactory user experience. In the approach, APIs are typically not made as first-class citizens. Traditional web apps usually require developers to build a separate set of APIs for consumption by 3rd parties or other apps such as phone apps. It often leads to code duplication. ASP Web Forms is an example of a traditional web app technology. It is possible to build SOAP Web Services, but it does not support designing modern Web APIs. Microsoft introduced ASP.NET Core for flexibility. It supports everything from modern Web APIs to traditional web apps. The MVC flavor of ASP.NET Core is a framework for building traditional web apps. What are Single Page Apps? Single page apps are web-based apps where UI is dynamically modified based on data transfer with the server via API calls. SPAs render the HTML DOM on the client-side. They are analogous to native phone or desktop apps. The server generally transfers all HTML, JavaScript, and CSS or WebAssembly code at the beginning of the session and does not transfer these as part of subsequent API calls. The browser modifies the HTML DOM instead of requesting the full HTML from the server. Ajax was the first step toward SPA frameworks. The approach became popular in the early 2000s. It uses JavaScript to call server-side APIs and so on to allow for asynchronous partial page refreshes. It provides a radical user experience improvement over traditional web apps. The browser can perform partial updates of data on the screen, and there is no HTML transfer on each call. Many traditional web apps started partially integrating Ajax. Developers added Web services to the back-end, and JavaScript code was served to the browser to call the endpoints. It meant that most traditional apps ended up becoming a mixture of server-side HTML rendering and client-side DOM manipulation with JavaScript.  JavaScript module bundlers such as webpack simplify the process of building pure JavaScript applications. They bundle an application in a similar way to a compiled native application. When coupled with frameworks such as Vue.js, Angular, and React, SPAs are easy to build and deploy. Developers build APIs as first-class citizens in parallel with SPA front-ends. Native app developers and 3rd parties can reuse the APIs so that all applications in the ecosystem depend on the same APIs. Modern systems frequently target platforms such as iOS and Android, so it is critical to reuse back-end infrastructure as much as possible.  What is Blazor? Blazor is a SPA framework that uses compiled C# to manipulate the HTML DOM instead of JavaScript. Blazor allows for server-side or client-side hosting models, but in either case, the browser manipulates HTML DOM client-side. The app remains a SPA app because the user does not experience full page refreshes. Non-Blazor SPA frameworks may have a steep learning curve for C# programmers. Typescript has some similarities to C#, but the programming paradigm is quite different. Bla...

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