COVID-19 – news and updates

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The disease was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, the capital of China's Hubei province, and has since spread globally, resulting in the ongoing 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic.

The first confirmed case of what was then an unknown coronavirus was traced back to November 2019 in Hubei province.Common symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Other symptoms may include fatigue, muscle pain, diarrhoea, sore throat, loss of smell, and abdominal pain. The time from exposure to onset of symptoms is typically around five days but may range from two to fourteen days.

A lot of pandemic related news and events are happening in IT. We have gathered here the news and publications that directly relate to coronavirus COVID-19.

4 года Q#

Здесь вы можете увидеть все примечания к выпускам за год. Такой же, как и когда-либо 2021 год был непохожим на другие (кроме, конечно, 2020 года). В жизни (все еще) доминировал вирус COVID-19 и меры,...

Analyzing COVID Medical Papers with Azure Machine Learning and Text Analytics for Health

In this post I will show how different building blocks from the Azure cloud can come together to automatically extract insights from texts.

AI and X-rays: Identifying the many faces of COVID-19 - Microsoft Stories Asia

AI and X-rays: Identifying the many faces of COVID-19 - Microsoft Stories Asia Skip to Main Content Learn more about remote working, online schooling and co

Azure Health Bot is now generally available | Azure updates | Microsoft Azure

Moving Microsoft Healthcare Bot to Azure and empowering organizations to deliver even better care for patients.

3 года Q#. Что уже сделано и что дальше

2020 год был непохожим на другие. В жизни преобладали вирус COVID-19 и меры, принятые во всем мире для сдерживания его распространения. Я и вся команда Microsoft...

Microsoft: COVID-19 Accelerated Digital Transformation of Cybersecurity - MSSP Alert

How have security budgets and spending evolved during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic? Microsoft survey results reveal cybersecurity priorities.

Project COVID.SI gets a major boost with the computational capabilities of the Microsoft Azure cloud platform

Researchers and volunteers have teamed up at the Slovenian project named COVID.SI "Community science and the fight against Coronavirus", and are now able to tap into computational capabilities of Microsoft leading cloud platform Azure

Domain Layer and Coronavirus API - CORONAVIRUS WPF MVVM IN .NET CORE #1

I create the CoronaClient project implement the domain layer. I also create an implementation of our ICoronavirusCountryService using a Coronavirus API. To c...

Microsoft to permanently close all of its retail stores

Just four locations will remain open. The rest are closing.

iBEMS Shield COVID-19 building management solution - Azure Solution Ideas

Update building management systems to provide COVID-19 protections with intelligent IoT Edge devices and cloud-powered apps.

DeepPavlov: «Keras» для обработки естественного языка помогает отвечать на вопросы про COVID-2019

В такой области глубокого обучения, как обработка изображений, библиотека Keras играет ключевую роль, радикально упрощая обучение transfer learning и использован...

GE Healthcare and Microsoft launch Covid-19 offering for hospitals

GE Healthcare last month launched the Mural Virtual Care Solution.

More tech and cloud support for nonprofits on the frontline of COVID-19  - Microsoft on the Issues

The COVID-19 pandemic has shone a spotlight on community heroes who have gone beyond the call of duty to sacrifice their own well-being for all of us. Today, we’re building on our long-standing support to the nonprofit sector by committing $35 million to double our Microsoft Azure credits, increase our Windows benefits and add new pro bono services to help critical care and first response nonprofits in their efforts to the crisis.

Microsoft certification during COVID-19 using online exams - You, your space, and your machine | Premier Developer

App Dev Managers August Banks, Paul King and Premier Field Engineer John Jacob (JJ) share important tips and information about certification testing from your own home or private location via a proctor. At the writing of this blog (April 2020) much of the world is in various stages of stay at home orders to ensure the best chances of containing the COVID-19 virus.

Open collaboration on COVID-19

Explore some impactful open source projects being created by teams around the world in response to COVID-19.


Simple Xamarin Forms Application that shows COVID-19 statistics - anaselhajjaji/covid19.xamarin.forms

SIR Modeling on Azure: COVID-19 Hospital Impact Model for Epidemics

CHIME model example for a healthcare client, with enhancements and UI customizations, automated data inputs from the hospital system, deployed on Azure.

VS Code Developers Help Out with COVID-19 Extensions -- Visual Studio Magazine

With the web providing more and more tools, trackers, guidance and many other resources related to the COVID-19 pandemic, some developers are trying to help out with extensions that have begun appearing in the Visual Studio Code Marketplace.

Google Cloud releases COVID-19 data sets to foster coronavirus-fighting AI models

Google launched the COVID-19 Public Datasets program, which will provide coronavirus data sets to researchers at no charge.

Open Source Data Science to Fight COVID-19 (Corona Virus) -

With the spread of COVID-19 becoming an evermore assertive force in our lives, the healthcare data science community has an opportunity to play an important role in the mitigation of this emerging pandemic.  History has shown response to such diseases can drastically alter the worst effects of such diseases.  Many cities have imposed social distancing …

Bing COVID Tracker

Bing COVID Tracker

Our commitment to customers during COVID-19

With COVID-19 continuing to impact people and countries around the world, workers everywhere are transitioning to remote work. And they’re using Microsoft Teams to chat, meet, call, learn, and collaborate all in one place.